Congressional Medal of Honor

美 [kənˈɡreʃənl ˈmedl əv ˈɑːnər]英 [kənˈɡreʃənl ˈmedl ɒv ˈɒnə]
  • 国会荣誉勋章;国会荣誉奖章(美国最高军事奖章)
Congressional Medal of HonorCongressional Medal of Honor
  1. My brother just got the Congressional Medal of honor .


  2. George bailey : that 's a lie ! Harry Bailey went to war-he got the Congressional Medal of honor , he saved the lives of every man on that transport .


  3. They gave you * The Congressional Medal of honor .


  4. We have 22 congressional medal of honor recepients . We have just tremendous people .


  5. Let me be clear about one thing . I recognize that this experiment wasn 't the most stoic act of fortitude in the history of mankind , and I 'm not asking for a Congressional Medal of Honor here .


  6. Lucid remains the only woman to have been awarded with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor .
